Beachy Eco Luxury

We welcome you with the Sri Lankan greeting which prays for your long life; Ayubowan!

Come join us in the unmapped coastline tucked away in the eastern coastal belt of the island Sri Lanka overlooking the splendid waters of the Indian Ocean. Our island is abundant in nature from plush mountains to picturesque beaches. Experience one such aspect of our motherland by staying with Blue Waters Arugam Bay. Situated amid major surfing points like Whisky Point, Pottuvil point Arugam Bay and few kilometers away from Arugam Bay, our hotel is accessible to many other famous surfing points in Arugam Bay.

One of the best Arugam Bay hotels, Blue Waters Arugam Bay has an eco-tourism concept that strictly perseveres in preserving the environment without compromising on luxury. We provide our guests with luxurious rooms and open-air settings that leave a minimum carbon footprint while offering them the opportunity to enjoy Sri Lankan nature to its maximum. The architecture is inspired by the colorful seashells that adorn our Arugam Bay beach and is supported by wooden structures, woven palm leaves and dried illuk grass to feel the embrace of an authentic Sri Lankan environment. If you wonder why we are named Blue waters, the answer is simple. The blue waters of the ocean have been our companion for as far as we remember, and it is one of the common interests you share with us. We welcome you to indulge in the coziness of our rustic Chalets and the warmth of our hospitality.

Niaz Nami,

Managing Director – Blue Waters Arugam Bay
